Our flour mill employs meticulous planning and implementation in transporting and storing wheat grain and flour to preserve product quality, avert contamination, and guarantee operational effectiveness. A brief description follows:

  1. Transport:
    • Bulk transport methods like pneumatic conveyors, and screw conveyors are used to move flour within the mill. 
    • Trucks transport the majority of the wheat in Afghanistan. To maintain food safety standards, grain handling, and transport systems are subject to third-party audit and inspection. Each vehicle is also checked for cleanliness before loading.
    • It is essential that deliveries to mills are made on time and that the quality of the wheat is protected during transport. Every two years, FLOUR AND BREAD PRODUCT BARAKAT HARIWA surveys all truckloads arriving at the mill. This information is used to monitor changes in delivery patterns and identify developments that may require action.
  2. Packaging and Bagging:
    • For packaged flour, we use automated bagging machines to fill and seal bags efficiently.
    • We have established quality control procedures to verify that packages are accurately sealed and weighed.
    • To facilitate inventory control and shipment readiness, packaged flour is stored on pallets in designated storage locations.
  3. Storage Silos:
    • We use storage silos to store bulk quantities of flour. These are designed to prevent moisture ingress and maintain product integrity.
    • To minimize the danger of spoilage, we utilize a first-in-first-out (FIFO) inventory system, which ensures that older stock is consumed before newer supply.
    • Our routine practice involves conducting frequent inspections and thorough cleaning of silos to proactively prevent any kind of contamination and maintain strict adherence to food safety regulations.
  4. Temperature and Humidity Control:
    • In order to protect the quality of flour and prevent rotting, we carefully regulate the temperature and humidity levels in our storage spaces.
    • Installed HVAC systems to regulate environmental conditions, especially in areas with high temperature or humidity fluctuations.
    • Regularly monitor temperature and humidity levels and promptly take corrective measures to prevent the occurrence of condensation or the formation of mold.
  5. Pest Control:
    • We have implemented pest control measures, such as sealing entry points, using insect screens, and regularly inspecting storage areas for signs of infestation.
    • We store the flour off the ground and away from walls to minimize hiding places for pests.
    • We use food-safe insecticides, and traps as necessary, following proper application guidelines to prevent contamination of the flour.
  6. Safety Measures:
    • Our company guarantees adherence to safety protocols for the handling and storage of food goods, encompassing meticulous labeling, strict storage height restrictions, and comprehensive fire protection measures.
    • We provide adequate training to personnel on safe handling practices, emergency procedures, and the use of personal protective equipment.
    • We regularly conduct safety audits and inspections to identify and address potential hazards in the storage area.
  7. Inventory Management:
    • We have implemented an inventory management system to track flour inventory levels, monitor stock movements, and facilitate timely replenishment.
    • Conduct regular stock audits to ensure inventory accuracy and prevent stockouts or overstock situations.

By following to these guidelines, our mill guarantees the effective transportation and storage of flour, while simultaneously upholding product excellence, safety, and compliance with regulatory standards.